Friday, August 15, 2014

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner!!

Annndddd the winner is.....

Thanks to everyone who participated it was so much fun for my very first blog contest. Even if you weren't a winner you can purchase a bracelet for $10 over on the right of my blog.
Have a great weekend!! 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Back 2 School

August is finally here and I can't be more excited, because school is starting soon. I love when school is about to start because I get to go school supply shopping and buy basically everything that can feed my organization fetish! I don't really need half of the school supplies I buy, but I love starting school with brand new supplies. I literally have tons of old pens and pencils in my backpack right now from the last semester but I refuse to use them in the new semester (new semester, new supplies).

So, if any of you have a school supply addiction check out the supplies I found below and go crazy!!

PS: Super affordable and you can even get some products at Staples.




Check out Rachel Zoes' customized Poppin notebook after the jump...

Saturday, July 19, 2014



I am giving away a free braided nutz bracelet and a $10 Starbucks card with my new contest. All you have to do is enter below and BOOM your entered! GOOD LUCK!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Reminder: Gather Your Nutz

If y'all read earlier I started making my braided nutz bracelets again and I recently got some feedback from customers who loved them. The director of marketing at Sony music entertainment, Lauren Blitzer bought one and she mentioned to me that she wears it everyday, that's pretty cool if I say so myself. I am putting together some new bracelets to bring you guys so stay tuned.

Milford Sound in New ZealandLike & subscribe to my blog over on the right to get a bracelet for 50% off!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Quick post today since I have to study for the MCAT the rest of the day.

Anyway, I am currently obsessed with krissy chula. I don't know if this old, but she is freaking hilarious. I literally spent an hour watching her videos and cracking up! SHIIIIIIIITTTT (krissy voice). Below are my two favorite videos:


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Texas Made: All The Wire

Today was definitely a lazy Sunday, but a successful one at that. I finally got internet at my new apartment so that means I will be back to blogging more often. This afternoon I came across All The Wire, not only is all their jewelry hand stamped but the girls who do all the stamping are from Texas.  I love it because its mostly personalized jewelry and who doesn't want to wear something special to them? They also have the cutest midi-rings that you can make your own by getting one with your initials. I NEED so many things from their website, but I will more than likely be getting a big bar necklace with the date I met my girlfriend on it. How cute is that?!